【問題 5 】
"次の英文は、あるクルーズ会社の予約に関する条件書(抜粋)である。大人 1 名が出航(乗船)日の 90 日前に 10 泊のクルーズを予約する場合、クルーズ代金の支払いに関する次の記述から、英文の内容に合致しているものだけをすべて選んでいるものはどれか。
How To Make A Booking:There are three simple ways to book your chosen cruise holiday:
・ contact your travel agent
・ telephone JATA International Cruises on 1234-5678-90 or
・ book online at www.jataintcruise.com
If booking through one of our authorised travel agent partners, the first named person on the booking (who must be at least 21) must complete and sign our booking form which your agent will keep on file.
Paying For Your Cruise:
We will require a deposit to secure your booking within 7 days of making your booking (or full payment if booking less than 70 days before departure).
After this time if your deposit has not been paid then your booking will be automatically cancelled. Deposit amounts vary by cruise duration as follows:
Cruise Duration Deposit (per person)
1-6 nights $200
7-14 nights $400
15+ nights $800
We must receive the balance of the cruise cost (after deducting the deposit you have paid) not less than 70 days before departure unless you book less than 70 days before departure, in which case you must pay the total cruise cost at the time of booking. "